Making your way to Jamieson & Carry

There are a number of different ways to make your way to Jamieson & Carry whether you are traveling by car, bus or train. The below map includes the nearest car parks to our store, along with walking times and links to further information about each car park.

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Travelling by Car

If you are travelling to the City Centre by car there are 4 public car parks which are all located less than 8 minutes walk from Jamieson & Carry. Details on each car park and links to their websites for more information can be found below.

Trinity Centre Car Park

Distance to Jamieson & Carry: 2 minutes walk

Located opposite Jamieson & Carry in the Trinity Centre this is the closest car park to the shop. The Trinity Centre can be easily accessed from both Denburn Road and College Street. Visit the Trinity Centre car park website here.

Harriet Street Car Park

Distance to Jamieson & Carry: 4 minutes walk

This car park is linked to the Bon Accord Centre but is conveniently located for visiting Jamieson & Carry. Access to Harriet Street is via Schoolhill and then a short walk along Belmont Street takes you to Jamieson & Carry. Visit the Harriet Street car park website here.

Golden Square Car Park

Distance to Jamieson & Carry: 5 minutes walk

Golden Square is located a short walk from the store and can be accessed from both Union Street and Crimson Place. This is a popular option when accessing from the West of the City. More information about this car park can be found via the ACC website here.

Denburn Car Park

Distance to Jamieson & Carry: 7 minutes walk

Denburn Car Park is accessed via Denburn Viaduct and is then only a short walk along Union Terrace Gardens or Belmont Street to our store. This is a popular option for those coming from the West and North of the City. More information can be found via the ACC website here.

Travelling by Bus

If you are travelling to the City Centre by bus, our store location right in the centre of Union Street means all the bus stops for all routes are never more than a few minutes walk away. The majority of buses offer drop offs on Union Street and the main Bus Station is also close by.

Travelling by Train

If travelling to Jamieson & Carry by train, the quickest way to access the store is through the Trinity Shopping Centre which is located directly opposite Jamieson & Carry.

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